Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Life Lessons: Volume I

Since I don't have one cohesive thought for a post, coupled with the fact that I like to use my blog as an educational resource for my readers whenever possible, this posting is all about passing on some valuable life lessons. The truth is, I've been working on writing a book. It's sort of like the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" except the things I suggest are actually humanly possible. Plus, even if you do them there's a pretty good chance you won't be anymore successful or effective than you already are. Who needs the aggravation that comes with success anyway? Not me! Does anyone else smell a best seller??? Yeah, me neither but here's a sneak peek.

Lesson #1: Don't Bite the Hand That Reads You

This might be an obvious one but I'm going to throw it out there anyway. I would advise against writing posts on your blog about the only family member that actually reads your blog. Apparently, my recollection of historical events has come into question. Since I'm the only one with a blog I guess I get the last word. Oh, and thanks for the $20. Although I'm not sure that's the best way to deter me from writing about you. You should see what I've got planned for next week. It will definitely be worth at least $50.

Lesson #2: Don't Play Squash On your Lunch Break.

It seemed like a good idea at the time. In an effort to challenge myself and take my game to the next level (which I guess would be level 0) I scheduled a squash game during my lunch hour yesterday. The guy I was playing was quite a bit better than me so it ended up being quite a workout. Afterwards, I was so exhausted I could barely think. Fortunately, thinking isn't a major requirement for my job most of the time but my afternoon was basically shot anyway. Plus, everyone who saw me after lunch asked me "What happened to you?" because I looked like I had been hit by a bus. When I was telling my mom about this she asked me "Did you shower after the game?" "Mom, I just told you I could barely walk and you're worried about my hygiene? Of course I showered!" I'm baffled by how little credit my mom gives me sometimes. I think she still sort of wonders how I’ve managed to stay gainfully employed for an extended period of time. Give me just a little credit mom - it's one thing to come back to work looking like you've been hit by a bus but even I know better than to come back to work looking and smelling like I've been hit by a bus followed by a garbage truck.

Lesson #3: Be Careful of the (Not So) Random Button

Listening to music on my computer when I'm at work is one of the small pleasures of my daily work day that sometimes makes my job almost bearable. Usually I create a playlist every few days depending on what sort of a mood I'm in. Today, I decided to get wild and crazy and just hit the "Random" button and let it pick the songs from my library for me. I was sitting in my office minding my bidniss when one of my colleagues came in to chat. We were shooting the breeze for a while and as he was getting up to leave he asked me "What's the deal with your music? Are you going through a rough time?" I was kind of puzzled and thought "Well, not any rougher than usual. I haven't played squash today so that's a pretty good day for me." Then he said "The last few songs you've played have been kind of depressing." Then I looked at my player and it was currently playing "Owner of a Lonely Heart" by Yes. Then I went back and looked and saw that just before that it had played "One" (as in "One is the loneliest number…") by Harry Nilsson. Just before that it had played the country song "Brokenheartsville" which was preceded by "Where Has My Love Gone" by Josh Rouse. It was very evident to me at that point that my music player was toying with my head. Who needs to waste time making playlists when a computer had gone ahead and put together a perfect "You're Going to Die Alone" mix? Granted, these are all songs that I've chosen to add to my library at some point but you'd think the random button would be just a little more random.

I also just wanted to send a special message out to my faithful reader(s). Hi Mom!! Okay, that's not the message. Especially since if I did want to say hi to my mom I'd have a better chance of getting that message to her via carrier pigeon than through this blog since I still don't think she's even sure of what a blog is. I think when I first told my mom that I had started blogging she thought I had taken up the latest dance craze sweeping the nation. So I just played along and told her it was going great and it was like Riverdance but with hip hop music. Boy is she going to be disappointed when the recital I've been promising her doesn't materialize.

Now for my real point... It has been brought to my attention that some people are itching to leave comments on my blog but the problem is that I don't exactly make readers feel welcome. To quote, I guess it’s that I don't "exactly give off a 'come one come all' kind of vibe". Although painful to hear, it may be true. And if there’s one thing I pride myself on it is always being open to criticism so that I can continually better myself. Actually, I’ve always been told I'm really bad at that but today is a new day my friends! So I just want to say to anyone who feels inspired enough by my ramblings to comment that it is very much welcomed and appreciated. Aside from actually reading my blog it is the highest compliment a blogger can hope for (at least this blogger).


Anonymous said...

I think you took me the wrong way... what I meant was if a person has trouble talking to you in person... then they will have trouble leaving comments.

Heather said...

You're right, I must have misunderstood. Thanks for clearing things up. I was worried that I was just alienating the people that read my blog. Turns out I'm alienating everyone I talk to. I feel a lot better now.

Anonymous said...

It's really tragic you haven't written anything on this in ages... hasn't anything annoying happened lately? :-)

Heather said...

Thanks Christine - tragic is definitely the word I would use too. Unfortunately, I think we might be the only two people who feel that strongly about it. Anyway, thanks for the friendly nudge.

Anonymous said...

:-) you're welcome!!

I'm sure Darryl will be happy to visit too. I mean, hey, you post three times a year and he put a link to you on his blog. He's actually met me, and I post all the time, but no link!

Darryl said...

To be fair (and I don't mean this to be disparaging at all, Heather) I haven't updated my links since the day I created my blog. It just seems too political to mess with them now. I didn't realize I would have so many friends with blogs, so I'm faced either with picking and choosing among them, or having a list longer than my list of labels. And that's pretty long.

Sorry about the threadjack. Well, not literally sorry, but you know what I mean.

Darryl said...

She's right, though - you should post more. I just looked, and I have the same number of posts in August as you have in total. Yes, I do admittedly go in for the "if I overwhelm them with quantity, perhaps no one will notice what crap this is" school of blogging. Well, that and the fact that I put up pictures or thinly veiled self-aggrandizing tributes based on the fact that I haven't peed into a bidet in some time and count them as posts. So, the numbers may be a little padded.

I'm not suggesting that you do the same, but I bet you could up the post count a bit without your content suffering. That's all I'm saying.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you put a link to my blog NOW it would totally blow my cover, Darryl. So I'm not really lobbying here.

That was a Canadian "sorry" if there ever was one.