Friday, January 18, 2008

He's Cuckoo & Not for Cocoa Puffs

Have you seen that video of Tom Cruise talking about scientology that's been circulating around the interwebs? I actually didn't really have much desire to see it since I was already pretty sure he was crazy and I didn't need anymore proof. Well yesterday I saw a spoof of the original that was pretty funny. They basically interject clips of Will Smith into the original and make it look like Tom is trying to convert Will to scientology. You can see the video below.

After I saw the spoof, I was kind of curious to see the original. I've never really understood scientology but I just figured it was because I'm not really a science fiction fan. The thing is, I don't like to mock or judge people based on their religious beliefs. Well technically, I actually don't mind doing that but I just try not to do it in a public forum. The thing is, there are a lot of kooky "religions" out there but it just seems like scientology really takes the cake. After watching Tom wax eloquent, my intial thoughts were confirmed. Here are a few of my favourite excerpts followed by what I was thinking in my head when he said them:

A "scientologist has the ability to create new and better realities and improve conditions"

How's about you just start by making new and better movies. You haven't had a decent movie in like three years.

"Being a scientologist, when you drive by an accident it's not like anyone else. You drive past and you know you have to do something about it because you're the only one who can help"

Unless you have the jaws of life in your car, I'm not so sure you're the only person I'd want on the scene if I'm mangled in a car wreck. That's just me though.

"We are the authorities on the mind. We can bring peace and unite cultures."

Tom, I don't want to bring up what I can only imagine is a sensitive subject but if you can actually bring peace and unity how comes you got deevorced? At the very least, you must have read Nicole's mind and seen it coming right? And not to put too fine a point on this but if you are able to bring peace and unity, why don't you g'head and put those invaluable skills to work. There's a little place called the middle east that could probably use a hand if you've got the market cornered on peacemaking.


Anonymous said...


And that editing with Will Smith is pure genius. It's beyond funny.

Cuckoo is right. Man, how does Katie stand him? I'd be so grossed out in seconds, like I am right now. My tolerance for idiots is zero. Hers is like 500.

Anonymous said...

wow... is he high?

Heather said...

Please, isn't it obvious why Katie isn't repulsed by Tom? After all he is THE authority on the mind...particularly Katie's by the looks of things. Poor thing, I knew she was better of with Pacey.

I'm not entirely sure if Tom's high but it definitely seems like he may have just smoked a rolled up copy of Dianetics prior to this being taped. Speaking from personal experience, I'd highly recommend it. Not for any other reason except that it's a great way to get rid of a really bad book from your library.

Anonymous said...

I was willing to have an open mind about alternative religions. And then I saw this. Thank you Tom, you have given me all the justification I needed.