Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I'm Not Here to Make Friends

Have you ever worked with someone who's disclaimer whenever they were a complete jerk to people was, "Well I'm not here to make friends!" I've realized recently that I've worked with at least one or more of these people at every one of my jobs. I've also realized that each of these individuals has a great deal in common. For one, their lack of desire for friendships with the people they work with tends to become a self fulfilling prophecy. I've sort of become more curious about this phenomenom and have been trying to get a better understanding of what causes people to get to that place of complete disdain and indifference for the feelings of the people they work with. It sort of seems like fear of intimacy except in work relationships as opposed to personal ones. Did they have a work friendship that went horribly wrong? Don't get me wrong I think it's important to draw the line between your work and your personal life but since when did treating people with common decency become a precursor to an intimate and lifelong friendship. I just want to get through the day without wanting to get violent with my coworkers and people like you my "friend" make it very difficult.

And speaking of work... What's with the people that use the company printer to print totally inappropriate and non work related items? Of course we all use company resources for things that are not at all company related but am I the only one who knows how to do it discreetly? There's this guy I work with who's always printing off things that are totally non work related and he leaves them on the printer for everyone to view. For example, today I went to the printer to pick up something I printed and in my pile of papers I found an order form for a slimjim belt. Yeah, that's right, a slimjim belt. It had a big cowboy style belt buckle complete with the slimjim logo. I had no idea there was any sort of demand for slimjim belts. I guess it's true what they say: "One man's trash is another man's treasure." So for obvious reasons I found this a bit humorous. The problem was that everytime I saw this guy around the office for the rest of the day I had the urge to say "You know what would look great on you?" Luckily, I've resisted the urge...so far that is.


Anonymous said...

Betts, That was just hilarious....

Darryl said...

You didn't happen to copy down the address for the slim-jim belt, did you? I'm thinking of getting one... you know, for a friend. Kind of like a gift.

I think that if my company would never expect me to work outside of 9-5 Monday to Friday, I would have no problem seeking other office-services outlets. But I've been on a few too many 7 AM flights, found myself working at hours when I should, really, be doing something else, and even working some weekends. Once that boundry between my life and their demands is blurred, I think it's only fair for me to feel free to cross over, too. As long as I'm not printing off my resumé, that is...