Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I Fought The Law & The Law Won

So I’m driving home from work minding my own business when out of nowhere a police car pulls up behind me and starts the bells and whistles to get me to pull over. I pull over right away and I’m sort of wondering why I’m being pulled over. Normally I always know why I’m being pulled over mainly because at any given time the chances of me being in violation of some traffic law are pretty good. For some strange reason I really have no idea what I’m being pulled over for this time. The officer approaches my car and I roll down my window. She informs me that I failed to obey a stop sign. I honestly thought that I had stopped but I have a rule about not arguing with somebody with a loaded firearm. Anyway, I hand over my licence and insurance information and the officer makes her way back to her vehicle. As I sit in my car I begin to get upset. I start thinking about how much I hate police officers. Does she have nothing better to do? Isn’t there some old lady being mugged somewhere you should be attending to? Do you have nothing better to do than bilk a tax paying citizen out of my hard earned money? They think they’re so high and mighty with their tickets, their holsters, their tight uniforms and their sirens. As the minutes pass I’m getting more and more annoyed so I come up with a plan of action. I decide that when the officer returns I will turn my music up to an ear-deafening level and see what she says. I figure she’s obviously writing me a ticket so what’ the worst that can happen? Is she going to write me another ticket? Yeah, I dare her. In fact I double dog dare her! I start to get a little excited about my plan which distracts me from the anger I’m feeling over the ticket. Eventually she starts making her way to my car and I see she’s got a ticket in her hand. This is my signal to crank the music. I crank it so loud I worry my ears are going to bleed. As I roll down my window she begins talking. She’s clearly under the impression that I’m going to turn the music down now that she’s arrived. Wrongo! She continues speaking. I think she’s talking about the ticket but for all I know she could be telling me about the price of tea in China. Soon she grows annoyed and says “So you’re just going to turn your radio up?” To which I reply, “You’ve got an amazing grasp for the obvious. Did they teach you that in the academy?” Luckily the music is loud enough that she doesn’t hear the comment. She then hands me my ticket and my licence and storms off.

I will admit this was an extremely immature and silly thing to do and I expected to regret it. The truth is that for some reason it felt really good. I guess it was partly because I never do things like that. On top of that I learned a valuable lesson and that is in certain situations good manners don’t make a bit of difference. By that I mean if I had been polite to her, the result would have been the same. Yeah sure I suppose it’s nice to treat your fellow human being with dignity and respect but she wasn’t exactly extending me any goodwill. So either way I would still have a $100 ticket but at least this way I got a ticket and a little satisfaction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


We have found the comments in your latest article extremely offensive. We pigs are just trying to serve justice to criminals like yourself. You better check yourself, before you wreck yourself.

Mahoney & Roscoe P. Coldtrain