Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I Fought The Law & The Law Won

So I’m driving home from work minding my own business when out of nowhere a police car pulls up behind me and starts the bells and whistles to get me to pull over. I pull over right away and I’m sort of wondering why I’m being pulled over. Normally I always know why I’m being pulled over mainly because at any given time the chances of me being in violation of some traffic law are pretty good. For some strange reason I really have no idea what I’m being pulled over for this time. The officer approaches my car and I roll down my window. She informs me that I failed to obey a stop sign. I honestly thought that I had stopped but I have a rule about not arguing with somebody with a loaded firearm. Anyway, I hand over my licence and insurance information and the officer makes her way back to her vehicle. As I sit in my car I begin to get upset. I start thinking about how much I hate police officers. Does she have nothing better to do? Isn’t there some old lady being mugged somewhere you should be attending to? Do you have nothing better to do than bilk a tax paying citizen out of my hard earned money? They think they’re so high and mighty with their tickets, their holsters, their tight uniforms and their sirens. As the minutes pass I’m getting more and more annoyed so I come up with a plan of action. I decide that when the officer returns I will turn my music up to an ear-deafening level and see what she says. I figure she’s obviously writing me a ticket so what’ the worst that can happen? Is she going to write me another ticket? Yeah, I dare her. In fact I double dog dare her! I start to get a little excited about my plan which distracts me from the anger I’m feeling over the ticket. Eventually she starts making her way to my car and I see she’s got a ticket in her hand. This is my signal to crank the music. I crank it so loud I worry my ears are going to bleed. As I roll down my window she begins talking. She’s clearly under the impression that I’m going to turn the music down now that she’s arrived. Wrongo! She continues speaking. I think she’s talking about the ticket but for all I know she could be telling me about the price of tea in China. Soon she grows annoyed and says “So you’re just going to turn your radio up?” To which I reply, “You’ve got an amazing grasp for the obvious. Did they teach you that in the academy?” Luckily the music is loud enough that she doesn’t hear the comment. She then hands me my ticket and my licence and storms off.

I will admit this was an extremely immature and silly thing to do and I expected to regret it. The truth is that for some reason it felt really good. I guess it was partly because I never do things like that. On top of that I learned a valuable lesson and that is in certain situations good manners don’t make a bit of difference. By that I mean if I had been polite to her, the result would have been the same. Yeah sure I suppose it’s nice to treat your fellow human being with dignity and respect but she wasn’t exactly extending me any goodwill. So either way I would still have a $100 ticket but at least this way I got a ticket and a little satisfaction.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bill Gates Does Not Own a Cat

Procrastination you are not my friend. It all started out pretty innocently which I guess can be said about a lot of things that don’t end that way. I had planned a rather ambitious evening for myself. I had company coming the next day and I needed to prepare a number of items ahead of time. I knew that I had a full evening ahead of me. By about 8PM I was ahead of schedule and just had one item left to prepare. So I’m a little tired at this point and as I survey the kitchen which was full of dirty dishes I decide that in order to get my second wind I need the right music. For me, the right soundtrack is essential when tackling unpleasant tasks. Unfortunately the thirty mix CDs I had previously made were just not quite what I was looking for. I made my way upstairs to create my next masterpiece. As luck would have it my laptop was next to my bed which of course meant I’d have to lie down on my bed to make the CD. So I cue things up and begin burning my CD. I decide that while I’m waiting for it to finish I could just take a power nap. This is where things began to go south since the shortest “power” nap I’ve ever taken was five hours. So as I’m lying there “resting my eyes” my cat jumps up on the bed and makes her way over to me. And so it begins, I think to myself. Of course she curls up next to me just begging to be petted. I’m not a serial killer so of course I can’t resist. I begin rubbing her in all the right spots and instantly wish that people were this easy to please. She begins purring so loudly that I worry the neighbor’s children might be awoken from their slumber. I continue petting her since I figure who am I to deny her this kind of pleasure? Soon she rolls over onto her back with her paws fully outstretched so that I can have full access to her stomach which has been ignored up to this point. In case you’re wondering, my CD finished burning about one hour ago now. Minutes soon turn into hours and eventually when I look over at the clock it is 11:30. How did this happen? I then remember exactly how it happened as I look and see that my cat is curled up in the cat fetal position in my arms sleeping so soundly that I wonder if the sound of a can opener would even wake her. As I stare longingly into her eyes I realize that I don’t think that very many successful people have cats. I bet Bill Gates doesn’t have a cat. If he does it’s definitely not very cute. You know how I know? It’s because he actually gets things done. If he had a cat as charming as mine there’s no way Microsoft would exist today and I can guarantee that.

Eventually my cat woke up and left me and even though it was hard I knew it was for the best. I think she knew that if she didn’t get up I may not be able to. I think in some ways she knew it was in her best interest as well since if she kept things up I was liable to call in sick to work the next day and eventually lose my job which would be bad news for both of us. I appreciated her foresight. She is wise beyond her years. Well maybe not since I think she’s 85 in cat years or does that just apply to dogs? I just want to say for the record that before I had a cat I always thought cat people were slightly dysfunctional. There was always something just a bit off about them. I still stand by that theory I just understand the dysfunction now and embrace it.

A lot of people wonder if you can successfully balance your career and your family. I don’t. The more interesting question in my opinion is whether you can balance accomplishing things and owning a cat. So far I have not been successful, but I’m going to keep working at beating the odds.

Monday, March 06, 2006

I Wish I Knew How To Quit You

In a surprise twist at this year’s Oscars I didn’t feel the urge to get violent with my TV at any point during the broadcast. Sure it had it’s annoying moments like George Clooney winning for best supporting actor. It’s not that I didn’t think he deserves it because in all honesty I’ve been waiting years for somebody from the Facts of Life to finally get their due. (I always hoped it would be Mrs. Garrett.) Plus, there wasn’t anyone in this particular category that I thought was a standout. I don’t know what it is but something about George Clooney just makes me not want him to win anything. It seems like he’s gotten this far just on his charm so what does he need an Oscar for? Somebody else could put it to a lot better use. Aside from that I was a little disappointed that Catherine Keener didn’t win best supporting actress. She is definitely due. However, I couldn’t be too upset since this was a pretty tough category and I would have been happy with either Catherine Keener, Frances McDormand or Rachel Weisz winning.

Top 5 Oscar Highlights:

Dolly Parton’s Performance
Only Dolly could get a room full of Hollywood’s finest clapping their hands to a country song. I know people only think of one thing when they think of Dolly Parton (okay I guess it’s technically two) but in my opinion she is someone who doesn’t get enough respect. Not only has she written some really great songs but she started her own theme park. She is truly a double threat. (once again no double meaning there). On a side note, if you are ever in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee you really should stop by Dollywood. This is mainly because if you are in Pigeon Forge there really isn’t anything else to do and also because it is quite an operation.

Reese Witherspoon’s Acceptance Speech
Say what you will about Reese but she did put in a great performance in “Walk the Line”. I especially appreciated the fact that she didn’t get overly emotional during here speech which seems to be a requirement for every female actress who wins this award. She managed to say everything she needed to say and of course the best part of her speech were the close-ups we got of her husband Ryan “Don’t Mind if I Do” Phillippe.

The “Three 6 Mafia” winning Best Original Song for “It’s Hard out There for a Pimp”
Can you say dark horse? I am a big fan of the underdog but I’ve got to be honest I did not see this one coming. It was quite entertaining to see these guys accept their award. They were obviously as surprised as the rest of the academy who I believe have already requested an official recount.

Jon Stewart as Host
It’s obvious that theme for this year’s Oscar’s was “And the Last Shall Be First”. In order to keep with this theme the academy had originally hoped to find a gay transsexual cowboy to host the show. Unfortunately they were unsuccessful so they decided that a Jew would be the next best thing. I think it’s a tough gig and Jon Stewart did a good job. I thought he was funny without seeming like he was trying too hard and I think he learned from Chris Rock’s mistake and played it a little safer.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman winning Best Actor
Definitely the most well deserved Oscar of the evening. This guy's great in everything he does and it's about time he got an Oscar to prove it.

Top 5 Oscar Lowlights:

Brokeback Mountain for Best Picture
Am I the only one wondering what all the fuss is about this movie? The acting was average, the characters were underdeveloped, and the story wasn’t all that interesting. I understand that these types of things are very subjective but for me a great movie is one that makes you see the world around you a little differently than you had before. Brokeback in this case didn’t tell a story that many movies before hadn’t already told:
Lesson #1: Being gay isn’t easy. Check
Lesson #2: The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. Double Check
Lesson #3: If you have an affair, your wife will probably find out. Check
Lesson #4: If you’re going on a fishing trip with your “fishing buddy” make sure to actually use the fishing pole…to catch fish.

Goodnight & Good Luck for Best Picture
Oh my goodness!!! You’re telling me that the media is not completely unbiased? They’re under constant pressure from the government and big business? What? When did this start? Oh yeah, since the beginning of journalism. Wow George Clooney you’re cinematic masterpiece is so ahead of its time. Oh wait, this story’s already been told before and better. Please reference “All the Presidents Men” (1976) followed by “The Insider” (1999). I will say that David Strathearn was very good in the role of Edward R. Murrow and did deserve his nomination for Best Actor. I just didn’t think this was Best Picture material.

Finding out that Lauren Bacall doesn’t know how to read
Seriously Lauren what are you on? I think you added an extra ten minutes to the Oscar broadcast with your first grade reading skills. Somebody forgot to tell her that the teleprompter is supposed to be read from left to right.

Constant Gardener not nominated for Best Picture
This movie not being nominated for Best Picture was one of the bigger oversights of this year’s Oscar’s. The story and the acting were great and definitely deserved a nomination especially when compared to a movie like Brokeback Mountain.

Joan Allen Oscarless
Joan Allen is in my opinion one of the greatest actresses out there today. Why doesn’t she have an Oscar yet? Why wasn’t she even nominated? She has more talent in her pinky than Charlize Theron, Halle Berry, and Julia Roberts combined. If you haven’t seen these movies see them immediately (in this order): “The Contender”, “The Upside of Anger”, “Yes”.