Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sunday Funnies Gone Wrong

If you've been watching the news at all lately you may have seen all of the coverage about the backlash over the Muhammed caricatures published by a Danish newspaper. I think this may be this week's sign that the apocalypse is upon us. I think it's important to stand up for your religious beliefs but when did it become commonplace to blow things up when a cartoon offended us? It makes me wonder what really motivates these types of extremists. It seems like they use their religious beliefs all too frequently to defend actions that seem to be fuelled only by anger, rage and intolerance.

I've included a link to some interesting video and to the cartoons in question.

CNN Video



person said...

I really was upset about the cartoons. Why make such cartoons when they are infactual and false?

If people really read about the prophet peace be upon him they would realise he was a mercy to mankind.

Moreover, as Muslims we aren't allowed to draw pictures of Prophets, furthermore, we aren't meant to disrespect someone elses religion. We respect all prophets, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, so why not respect our dear Prophet?

Heather said...

I have no problem with people being offended by the cartoons. I think people are entitled to feel that way. My only issue is with how some people have chosen to express their feelings about these cartoons. From my perspective it seems like they're upset at cartoons that portray muslims as terrorists and extremists and instead of dispelling that perception their actions have only perpetuated it.

Anonymous said...

When I see a cartoon about fat people I get really upset. It makes me want to blow-up some skinny people. Thanks for letting me vent.

Fatty Rich