Sunday, February 05, 2006

I Ain't No Hollaback Girl

Well it’s Grammy time and you know what that means. Yes it means a bunch of mediocre musicians will win a bunch of awards for the unoriginal music they’ve produced for the masses. I love music which you would think would mean I’d love the Grammy’s. But that’s not the case. In fact it’s quite the opposite. The Grammy’s actually bug the crap out of me. Every year it’s the same story. The same lame artists are nominated mixed in with a few legitimate nominees and the results are always disappointing.

This year of course is no different. Let’s start with the record of the year category. To clarify there is a record of the year category and a song of the year category. The record of the year goes to the artist, producer, engineer and basically anyone involved in producing the song. The song of the year is just for the songwriter.

"Record of the Year" nominees:

We Belong Together – Mariah Carey
Boulevard of Broken Dreams – Green Day
Feel Good Inc. – Gorillaz
Hollaback Girl – Gwen Stefani
Gold Digger – Kanye West

Are you kidding me here? You’re trying to tell me that one of these songs was the best song produced all year? I happen to “like” a couple of these songs but none of them would be in the category of “record of the year”. Do you think in twenty years we’re going to be sitting around saying “Wow they sure don’t make songs like “Hollaback Girl” anymore.”

"Album of the Year" nominees:

The Emancipation of Mimi – Mariah Carey
Chaos and Creation in the Backyard – Paul McCartney
Love. Angel. Music. Baby. – Gwen Stefani
How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb – U2
Late Registration – Kanye West

A couple of notes on this category: There are a couple of good records in this category and if it were my choice it would be a tossup between Paul McCartney and Kanye West. On a related note I have a message for Kanye West and Bono since they’re both nominated in this category. First, you’re both very talented but that doesn't mean that I want to hear your opinions on everything under the sun. If you’re lips are moving I just want to hear music coming out of them and not your opinions about George W. Bush or how we all need to be giving more money to fight poverty in Africa. Hey Bono – U2 hasn’t made an album worthy of a Grammy since Achtung Baby so how about instead of arranging your next photo shoot with a world leader or Time magazine you go make some decent music and leave the heavy lifting in the world to people that know what they’re doing. Bottom line - Kanye & Bono please shut it immediately, unless of course you’re making beautiful music.

"Song of the Year" nominees:

Bless the Broken Road – Rascal Flatts
Devils & Dust – Bruce Springsteen
Ordinary People – John Legend
Sometimes You Can’t Make it On Your Own – U2
We Belong Together – Mariah Carey

I think the Grammy’s should just think about officially changing its name to “An Evening with U2”. “Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own” is a nice song but I think they’ve already released this song a few times just with a different name. I know the saying goes “If it ain’t broke…” but you really do need to write a new song at some point.

I will say there is one category that I think is an interesting one and that is the "Best Alternative Album" category.

Funeral – The Arcade Fire
Guero – Beck
Plans – Death Cab For Cutie
You Could Have It So Much Better – Franz Ferdinand
Get Behind Me Satan – The White Stripes

What I like about this cagtegory is that I think both the albums and the artists deserve to be nominated. Of course as a Canadian my bias has to be with The Arcade Fire but either way this will be one category that I think will be interesting.


Anonymous said...

Madamn Heather,your seeming a little critical and not your usual happy,cheery,sweet self?

Anonymous said...

You're so right about the lack of any really good music winning a Grammy. I lost hope of that ever happening when John Denver's plane hit the ocean...

Good writing.

Anonymous said...

The Grammy's are for black people. They are racist against white rappers.

Popozao forever!