Wednesday, October 31, 2007

World's Cutest Kitten Revealed

Pictured here you will see the most recent top prize winner in the "World's Cutest Kitten" contest who also just so happens to be my new kitten. Okay, so she hasn't officially won any titles yet but seriously she's got to be in the running don't you think? I've decided to make a one time exception to my self imposed "no photo" policy on my blog because I really thought that this was definitely a case of a picture being worth a thousand words.

Before people get all up in my grill about how weird cat people are I'm going to set the record straight. Yes cat people can be weird but so can dog people and vegetarians and mormons so why do cat people get such a bad rap? For some reason people have this pre-conceived notion that cat people spend all their spare time holed up in their one bedroom apartments talking to their cats as if they were their nearest and dearest friends. Sure I do this more than a few times a week but what's so wrong with having a strong affection for another one of God's creatures? A creature I might add that is intelligent, self cleaning, and provides constant loyal companionship and unconditional love as long as they're rubbed incessantly and their food bowl is full? Nothing as far as I'm concerned.

Here's the bottom line: I don't expect everyone to have a deep affection for cats but I just don't get people that seem to have some deep seeded animosity towards them. Like for instance, I had some people over to my house for a barbeque a month ago and I had some chicken and burgers on the grill and I went to pick my cat up and put her inside and some yahoo piped up and said "When does that go on the grill?" I managed my most evil eye and kept on walking but thought to myself "Right after we throw you on the rotisserie you sadistic wind bag." I mean come on, what are you some sort of serial killer? I don't particularly like hamsters but I'm not thinking of ways to mutilate them in my spare time. Yeah, not cool buddy.

I'll let the picture take it from here...


Anonymous said...

Definitely the cutest kitten in the world. And I agree, there's nothing weird about being a cat person or talking to one's cat. What's ironic is that the people who say such things will have peculiar hobbies themselves. Anything from solving Rubik's cubes while skateboarding blindfolded to doing psychological experiments underwater counts. (One of those is true actually)

Heather said...

Glad you share my sentiments about my kitten. I thought maybe it was just me. Those are definitely some peculiar hobbies and also a bit dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Very cute... for a cat.

More than anything though... I am loving that you are blogging more often.

Keep it up. Great stuff.


Anonymous said...

Well, I did say only one of those was true so don't worry we haven't all gone mad. And just because I don't like keeping people indefinitely in suspense, this is what happened: Gooden and Baddeley apparently loved scuba diving so much they managed to devise an experimental procedure which "forced" them to experiment underwater. Convenient isn't it? Anyway, they were researching encoding mechanisms, particularly while learning or memorising. And since they knew that during encoding not only is the idea encoded but also the context in which the idea is learnt, the little rascals thought of nothing better than to ask for half of their participants to learn a series of words underwater and the other half on land. During the recall phase these groups were divided once more and guess what? For those that had learnt the words underwater, recall was better underwater than on land. Ditto for the other group but the other way round. Conclusion? Reasearchers could really get away with murder back in the 70s and get payed for it!! Ah... those were the days.

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad you finally gave Darryl a taste of his own freakin' anti-cat medicine.

Dude. I finally feel vindicated in the ownership of my beast. And given the fact that she recently snuggled up on the couch, guarding my sleeping baby nephew and me (on her first day meeting him), I think she gets some major points.

ditto on the "glad you're blogging more" sentiments.