Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Let The Healing Begin (Update)

Spoiler Warning: If you haven't read my previous post entitled "Let the Healing Begin", you may want to read it before proceeding with this one.

I really didn't expect to be providing an update on "Project: Let the Healing Begin" this soon after it's inception since most people know that the healing process is usually a slow one. As of right now it looks like this particular healing process is moving about as fast as a war amputee walkathon.

So what happened you ask? Well, today my boss and the head of the other department that we've been at war with had a major knock down, drag out argument. The discussion started out as a casual conversation about procedures and allocation of roles and responsibilities between our departments. Initially the discussion took place in the open office area but within a few minutes, it quickly escalated into a much more heated "discussion" at which point they moved the festivities into my boss' office. Unfortunately (for them), the walls of my boss' office have virtually no sound dampening qualities so they may as well have continued the conversation out in the open or perhaps over the intercom system because we were privy to pretty much the entire argument.

As far as arguments I've been witness to in the workplace, this one will definitely go down as the loudest and most no holds barred I've ever been privileged enough to be in the presence of.

Here are some of the highlights which I should mention were all uttered in very much outdoor voices:

"Well, I believe that falls under my job description so I don't think it should be something you need to worry about..."

"It sounds like you don't think I'm doing my job?"

"If you and Jim think that you can do a better job running this department, then be my guest!"

"Nobody's saying that, stop being so sensitive..."

"How about you just do your f*?%^&@ job and then I'll do mine!"

"Maybe if you did a better job of managing your people then I wouldn't have to do your job!"

The rest of the discussion basically revolved around the same central theme which involved the need for more people to do their f-ing jobs and it's hard to argue with that...or so I thought. The interesting thing was how "The Argument Heard 'Round the Office" ended. As the final verbal barrage concluded there was a conspicuous silence and before we could designate someone to go in and check for bodies, both parties exited the office looking like they had just finished playing a game of parcheesi. Did they think we were idiots? We knew what had gone on in there. There was no parcheesi board in there. (I checked)

So it will be interesting to see what impact this has on the healing process my boss was working so tirelessly towards. Maybe tomorrow I'll ask him to clarify what exactly he meant by "healing" or at the very least what he had in mind as far as a "go" date for this elusive healing process because it sure didn't start today. Maybe it's just sort of like a diet - we'll just start it on Monday.


Anonymous said...

Wow... I LOVE the more frequent updates. I miss you!

Anonymous said...



I'm thankful that, two weeks before I get laid off, all I heard from behind a closed door the other day was "so I think we should invite Christine to the company Christmas party... let her know she's still part of the family".

So how are YOU doing? ;-)

Heather said...

Wow, sorry to hear about the job situation. I hope things work out for the best.

It sounds like the walls at your office have the same sound dampening qualities as the ones at mine. Anyway, I guess it's a good reminder that I should be more thankful for my job. As such, I will refrain from posting anything slightly negative about my job, co-workers, or boss for at least one day. It's the least I can do....literally.