Friday, February 10, 2006

My Playlist

So after my last posting regarding the Grammy’s a lot of people wrote in and asked me to share more of my opinions on music. Okay, nobody wrote in and asked for that. But I have more to say so I figure why should I wait to be asked. As much as I complain about the Grammy's I definitely think that there's a lot of great music out there. I just happen to think it’s rarely found on mainstream radio. This means that finding good music can take a little more effort to find. Since I am continually on the hunt for great music I've decided to pass along some of my findings to you. I’ve created a playlist filled with a sampling of what I’m listening to right now. Some of these songs are old, some are new. Some I’m sure you know and some you may not. I’ve also created an i-mix on i-tunes so if you want to listen to samples of these songs or buy them you can do that. (You will need to have i-tunes installed on your computer to acces it.) - Heather's I-Tunes Playlist

The List

1. Taj Mahal - She Caught the Katy (And Left Me a Mule to Ride)
2. Taj Mahal - Six Days on the Road

Mr. Mahal (yeah it’s actually on his birth certificate) is my most recent discovery. Well I didn’t actually discover him someone actually told me about him. If you haven’t heard of him he’s actually quite a legendary blues guitarist/singer/songwriter. It was hard to pick just two tunes but these two should give you a feel for what he’s all about. The first song I can relate to because that actually happened to me once. Well, without the was actually a uni-cycle.

3. Phoenix – Everything is Everything
This band is actually French.
Yeah, who knew the French were good for anything except annoying accents and delicious pastries. I really like this song – it is tres catchy.

4. Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals – Burn to Shine
I like the blues/rock feel on this song.
It also has one of my favourite lines - “How I miss the good old days but I’m so glad they’re gone.” I’m not sure I agree but boy do I want to.

5. Jack Johnson – Upside Down
So sue me I’m a Jack Johnson fan.
Jack gets a bad rap from people but this is definitely my idea of feel good music. It is physically impossible for me to be in a bad mood when this music is playing. This track is his latest and it is an enjoyable one.

Teitur – You’re The Ocean
Teitur – Shade of the Shadow
There have been a bunch of young male singer/songwriters that have littered the music scene over the last couple of years in the wake of the success of artists like John Mayer and Jason Mraz. Teitur Lassen is one that I really like. He’s only put out one album called “Poetry & Airplanes” a couple of years ago and it pretty much flopped from a sales perspective. I recently discovered it and really like it. These two tracks are definitely worth checking out.

8. Ben Folds – Landed
I’ve always thought that Ben could craft a really great pop song.
On his latest record he’s all growns up and I think it’s some of the best stuff he’s written. Like most good Ben Fold’s songs they make me want to learn how to play the piano again. Then I remember my childhood piano teacher and that takes care of that.

9. Whiskeytown - Crazy About You
10. Whiskeytown – Sit & Listen to the Rain
This is my current favourite genre of music.
It’s called alt-country also referred to as y’alternative. It’s basically rock with a bit of a country or blues feel to it. Warning: listen to this music at your own risk. You may be filled with a strong desire to move to the deep south after you hear it.

11. Kathleen Edwards - Hockey Skates
The list wouldn't be complete without a great Canadian singer/songwriter. Very few can do melancholly like she does and this song is my favourite of hers.

12. Nick Drake - Northern Sky
Everyone has their own favourite Nick Drake song and this is mine.

13. Iron & Wine - Naked As We Came
This is a bit of a sad song but the good kind of sad.

14. Donovan - Catch the Wind
An oldie but a goodie.

15. Van Morrison - Into the Mystic
It is almost impossible to pick just one Van Morrison song but this is probably my favourite.

Deb Talan – Forgiven
I really don’t know anything about this artist except for this one song.
It was in one of my favourite movies – “Lovely & Amazing” - and when I first heard it I replayed it about fifty times. I’m not sure what it is but there’s something really simple and touching about it.

17. Stevie Wonder – Positivity
This is my new theme song.
I mean if a blind guy can “see” the glass as half full why can’t I?

18. Tracy Chapman – Change
This song would get my vote for song of the year if I had any say.
Tracy Chapman is one of the greatest songwriters out there as far as I’m concerned. This song is so great lyrically & musically. This is Tracy at her best and when Tracy’s on her game there’s no one better. Special shout out to my musical sensei (my sister) for introducing me to this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heather, I'm very disappointed that Clay Aiken's "Winter Wonderland" didn't make your hit list. I find Clay's vocals so raw and spiritual. Beyond that, Clay is such a masculine beefcake.

Yours truly,
Claymate #69