Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Animal House Junior

I was recently on the campus of my university. Of course I couldn’t resist picking up the most recent edition of the student newspaper. I’m always anxious to see what these future pullitzer prize winners are writing about. As a former staff writer of said newspaper I obviously can’t talk. I will say that for a bunch of engineers we put out a pretty decent paper

Anyway, there was one particular article that caught my attention and instead of just commenting on the article I’m going to reprint it verbatim since I thought it was just too good to summarize. For those who didn’t have the pleasure (or misfortune depending on who you talk to) of attending my university I will preface the article so you have a full appreciation for it.

There is a section of the newspaper devoted to “Greek Life” which is basically an area where the sororities & fraternities on campus can submit articles updating their adoring public on their activities during the term. Each fraternity obviously has their own unique identity. There’s the smart one, the athletic one, the partying one, etc… Then there’s the fraternity for those who want to be in a fraternity but don’t want to be burdened with any sort of social status. I for one hate to generalize or put people into categories but isn’t that what life is all about? Most fraternities invested a lot of time, energy and alcohol into throwing large benders complete with all of the expected hijinks. This fraternity on the other hand threw a semi-annual “LAN Party”. When I first heard about this party during my first year I originally thought that “LAN” was some sort of clever party code. Turned out it actually stood for Local Area Networking and it was a computer gaming party. Anyway, the LAN party tradition lives on and as evidenced by the following article it still seems to be the raging success I remember it to be. Note: I’ve changed the name of the fraternity to protect the guilty.

Got Game?

Delta Tau Chi kicked off the winter term with its semi-annual LAN party. It took place on 1st Friday night at the Delta Tau Chi house and extended well into the longer than normal weekend. Inclement weather (snow in January? Ridiculous?) did not stop most people from bringing their computer games, showing off their dance moves on the DDR pads, or indulging in some 8-bit classics on the Nintendo. More than thirty 2-litres of pop, brownies, cookies, chips, and burgers fueled these gamers and party goers.

Once the over 15 computers were crammed into the common room, the servers were set up for some rounds of Battlefield 2. After everyone had enough of strategic military combat, we switched to the fast-paced, twitch-reflex Unreal Tournament. Other games played included Sacred Guild Wars, Warcraft III, and Need for Speed: Most Wanted.

Along with the LAN party, Delta Tau Chi has many other events planned for this term. Poker nights are on 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th week Thursdays, and themed movie nights take place on 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th week Mondays. Swing by to take a break when the term starts getting rough. Check out our winter calendar for other events. Welcome back and have a great school term everyone! - The Brothers of Delta Tau Chi

Sunday, February 19, 2006

I Heart Bob Costas

Is there any sporting event better than the Winter Olympics? Don’t bother answering because you won’t be able to convince me that there is. What other event gives you the combination of drama, intrigue, and most importantly the tight speedskating outfits. I know a lot of people have a problem with the tight outfits but in the winter Olympics the tight outfits don’t bother me. The tight outfits during the summer Olympics however make me want to toss my cookies. There’s the speedos that the swimmers wear, the shorty shorts the track & field athletes wear and don’t get me started on those little spandex jumpsuits the rowers wear. I understand that aerodynamics are important but come on where’s the dignity? My favourite event of the winter Olympics is definitely speed skating. I’m sure that the appeal of this sport would be lost if in fact I watched it more than just every four years. I particulary enjoy the short track events because of the crash and bang potential. And don’t even get me started on those Koreans? Where did they learn to skate like that? Who showed them how to make ice? Why are we wasting time trying to ban nuclear weapon production, how about banning whatever it is that they’re eating? Forget about national security, we’ve got national pride to think about.

The other great thing about the Olympics (and this doesn’t just apply to the winter Olympics) is the drama. What’s great about this aspect is that somehow no matter how boring a story could be, the producers at NBC manage to find a way of creating a compelling story out of absolutely nothing. For instance, this evening I was watching a downhill skiing event and of course whenever a non-American is up it’s important not to lose the viewing public’s interest. Everyone knows that rule #1 is that Non-American Athlete = Boring. To keep us interested they breakaway to one of those obligatory profiles of one of the American athletes. This one definitely did not disappoint. It was about one of the American skiers who had fought adversity while growing up on the mean streets of Topeka, Kansas. (I for one had no idea how dangerous south central Topeka can be.) Anyway, as if that weren’t enough his family had recently been struck by tragedy. His mom had suffered an unfortunate fall while leaving their suburban home a few weeks back and so this evening Jimmy was not just competing for himself but for his mother and more importantly for every other kid out there with a clumsy mother.

You know what else I love about NBC”s Olympic coverage? You guessed it, Bob Costas. Let me clarify that in most sport commentating scenarios Bob Costas annoys me to no end, but for some reason Bob covering the Olympics really works for me. I don’t know if it’s the sub-zero temperatures talking but I don’t mind his annoying banter and his unlimited capacity for useless statistics. In fact, I sort of enjoy it. The other thing I’ve noticed is that Bob is ageless. Is it just me or does he not look a day over Calgary 1988? What is your secret Bob? And on an unrelated note could you send me the number of your plastic surgeon immediately?

Monday, February 13, 2006

Curse You Wal-Mart

Ah, Wal-Mart where do I begin? I dream of the day when I never have to darken the doors of your establishment. Why do I dream of such a day? Well there isn’t enough time in the day to fully explain my reasons so I will just hit on the highlights. In many ways I think of myself as an island dweller and Wal-Mart as the mainland. Yes, as much as I enjoy island dwelling there are certain occasions which require me to travel to the mainland. It never fails however that every time I do make a trip to the mainland I remember fondly why I can not seem to get back to my island quickly enough.

A recent trip to Wal-Mart has further cemented my thoughts regarding the subject. Let me tell you what happened. So the main purpose of my trip was to make a copy of a picture. Unfortunately, Wal-Mart was the only place I knew of that had a photo kiosk that I could do this at. So I make my way to the photo lab and there is already somebody occupying the equipment so I get in line to wait my turn. Unfortunately, this lady seems to be printing off every photo she’s ever taken since the beginning of time. While I’m waiting, an elderly couple arrives who also want to use the machine. However, during the course of the time that we are waiting they manage to maneuver themselves in such a way so that when the lady finishes at the kiosk they cut in front of me and take their place at the machine. Obviously I’m annoyed but I figure, I’ll cut them some slack because they’re old and they probably only have a few more days to live so it’s probably more critical that they use the machine as quickly as possible. This was mistake number one. Well, I guess it’s technically #2 since actually coming to Wal-Mart was #1. They’ve got a memory card from their digital camera and they’re trying to download the pictures and print them off. Unfortunately, it seems that they’ve never used a piece of electronic equipment before. How they managed to actually use the digital camera to take the pictures is beyond me. So after about ten minutes they figure out where to insert the memory card. What a relief. Twenty minutes later, they figure out how to look at the pictures. Half an hour later they’ve now printed their first picture. Unfortunately it wasn’t the one they wanted to print. So now it’s going on almost an hour that I’ve been in the Wal-Mart photo lab waiting and I am reminded of why I hate Wal-Mart so much. Reason #1 – All of the most annoying people in society shop at Wal-Mart. This includes the white trash, the inconsiderate, the poorly dressed, the unwashed masses and of course the old people. Now don’t get me wrong I don’t have a problem with all old people. I think Jim Carrey’s character in Dumb & Dumber said it best when he stated that “Senior citizens, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel can still serve a purpose in society.” To prove that I don’t have a problem with old people in general I’ve compiled a list of old people that I don’t have a problem with. They are: a) My grandmother b) Orville Redenbacher c) Colonel Sanders.

Now, to the other group that seems to spend a lot of time shopping at Wal-Mart, the poorly dressed. I guess it’s not surprising that a lot of the people that shop at Wal-Mart are poorly dressed since a lot of their wares are probably purchased there. However, some of the outfits I have witnessed have been downright hideous. For instance, while I was waiting for my turn at the photo kiosk I noticed a woman wearing “stir-up” pants. If you don’t know what stir-up pants are they are pants that come with a stir-up at the bottom of the leg of the pants to keep your pants safely secured to your feet. They were all the rage back in the early 80’s but why somebody in 2006 is walking around with them is beyond me. First of all I never understood the appeal of the stir up pant. Was there a big need to keep our pants secured to our feet? Was there a major fly-away problem I wasn’t aware of? I was actually beside myself when I saw this lady. I mean it has been a while since I’ve seen a pair of those bad boys. I almost stopped her and asked where she had parked the DeLorean because I wanted to check it out before her and Michael J. Fox fired it up and headed back to the 80’s. I digress. So I’m back at the photo kiosk and the old people have finished up and within five minutes I’m done copying the one picture I came to copy. I decide that since I’m already there I should pick up a few essentials. This brings me to why I hate Wal-Mart reason #2. Is it just me or does it seem like there’s very little pride taken in the way that the store is maintained? I realize every Wal-Mart is different but I’ve noticed it at more than a few of them lately. The lighting’s dim in certain areas, some shelves are half full, things are in the wrong place, items are damaged, and the place is generally not that clean. I actually wonder if this is what a Wal-Mart would look like in Beirut? I mean come on, you people are getting paid at least $3 an hour. Would it kill you to pick up a mop or a broom?

I eventually make my way to the check out and then to my car. As I’m driving home I’m filled with a sense of relief that I’ve managed to make it out with my sanity in tact. I’m also relieved to know that I shouldn’t have to return for quite some time, that is unless they keep lowering their prices.

Friday, February 10, 2006

My Playlist

So after my last posting regarding the Grammy’s a lot of people wrote in and asked me to share more of my opinions on music. Okay, nobody wrote in and asked for that. But I have more to say so I figure why should I wait to be asked. As much as I complain about the Grammy's I definitely think that there's a lot of great music out there. I just happen to think it’s rarely found on mainstream radio. This means that finding good music can take a little more effort to find. Since I am continually on the hunt for great music I've decided to pass along some of my findings to you. I’ve created a playlist filled with a sampling of what I’m listening to right now. Some of these songs are old, some are new. Some I’m sure you know and some you may not. I’ve also created an i-mix on i-tunes so if you want to listen to samples of these songs or buy them you can do that. (You will need to have i-tunes installed on your computer to acces it.) - Heather's I-Tunes Playlist

The List

1. Taj Mahal - She Caught the Katy (And Left Me a Mule to Ride)
2. Taj Mahal - Six Days on the Road

Mr. Mahal (yeah it’s actually on his birth certificate) is my most recent discovery. Well I didn’t actually discover him someone actually told me about him. If you haven’t heard of him he’s actually quite a legendary blues guitarist/singer/songwriter. It was hard to pick just two tunes but these two should give you a feel for what he’s all about. The first song I can relate to because that actually happened to me once. Well, without the was actually a uni-cycle.

3. Phoenix – Everything is Everything
This band is actually French.
Yeah, who knew the French were good for anything except annoying accents and delicious pastries. I really like this song – it is tres catchy.

4. Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals – Burn to Shine
I like the blues/rock feel on this song.
It also has one of my favourite lines - “How I miss the good old days but I’m so glad they’re gone.” I’m not sure I agree but boy do I want to.

5. Jack Johnson – Upside Down
So sue me I’m a Jack Johnson fan.
Jack gets a bad rap from people but this is definitely my idea of feel good music. It is physically impossible for me to be in a bad mood when this music is playing. This track is his latest and it is an enjoyable one.

Teitur – You’re The Ocean
Teitur – Shade of the Shadow
There have been a bunch of young male singer/songwriters that have littered the music scene over the last couple of years in the wake of the success of artists like John Mayer and Jason Mraz. Teitur Lassen is one that I really like. He’s only put out one album called “Poetry & Airplanes” a couple of years ago and it pretty much flopped from a sales perspective. I recently discovered it and really like it. These two tracks are definitely worth checking out.

8. Ben Folds – Landed
I’ve always thought that Ben could craft a really great pop song.
On his latest record he’s all growns up and I think it’s some of the best stuff he’s written. Like most good Ben Fold’s songs they make me want to learn how to play the piano again. Then I remember my childhood piano teacher and that takes care of that.

9. Whiskeytown - Crazy About You
10. Whiskeytown – Sit & Listen to the Rain
This is my current favourite genre of music.
It’s called alt-country also referred to as y’alternative. It’s basically rock with a bit of a country or blues feel to it. Warning: listen to this music at your own risk. You may be filled with a strong desire to move to the deep south after you hear it.

11. Kathleen Edwards - Hockey Skates
The list wouldn't be complete without a great Canadian singer/songwriter. Very few can do melancholly like she does and this song is my favourite of hers.

12. Nick Drake - Northern Sky
Everyone has their own favourite Nick Drake song and this is mine.

13. Iron & Wine - Naked As We Came
This is a bit of a sad song but the good kind of sad.

14. Donovan - Catch the Wind
An oldie but a goodie.

15. Van Morrison - Into the Mystic
It is almost impossible to pick just one Van Morrison song but this is probably my favourite.

Deb Talan – Forgiven
I really don’t know anything about this artist except for this one song.
It was in one of my favourite movies – “Lovely & Amazing” - and when I first heard it I replayed it about fifty times. I’m not sure what it is but there’s something really simple and touching about it.

17. Stevie Wonder – Positivity
This is my new theme song.
I mean if a blind guy can “see” the glass as half full why can’t I?

18. Tracy Chapman – Change
This song would get my vote for song of the year if I had any say.
Tracy Chapman is one of the greatest songwriters out there as far as I’m concerned. This song is so great lyrically & musically. This is Tracy at her best and when Tracy’s on her game there’s no one better. Special shout out to my musical sensei (my sister) for introducing me to this one.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

I Ain't No Hollaback Girl

Well it’s Grammy time and you know what that means. Yes it means a bunch of mediocre musicians will win a bunch of awards for the unoriginal music they’ve produced for the masses. I love music which you would think would mean I’d love the Grammy’s. But that’s not the case. In fact it’s quite the opposite. The Grammy’s actually bug the crap out of me. Every year it’s the same story. The same lame artists are nominated mixed in with a few legitimate nominees and the results are always disappointing.

This year of course is no different. Let’s start with the record of the year category. To clarify there is a record of the year category and a song of the year category. The record of the year goes to the artist, producer, engineer and basically anyone involved in producing the song. The song of the year is just for the songwriter.

"Record of the Year" nominees:

We Belong Together – Mariah Carey
Boulevard of Broken Dreams – Green Day
Feel Good Inc. – Gorillaz
Hollaback Girl – Gwen Stefani
Gold Digger – Kanye West

Are you kidding me here? You’re trying to tell me that one of these songs was the best song produced all year? I happen to “like” a couple of these songs but none of them would be in the category of “record of the year”. Do you think in twenty years we’re going to be sitting around saying “Wow they sure don’t make songs like “Hollaback Girl” anymore.”

"Album of the Year" nominees:

The Emancipation of Mimi – Mariah Carey
Chaos and Creation in the Backyard – Paul McCartney
Love. Angel. Music. Baby. – Gwen Stefani
How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb – U2
Late Registration – Kanye West

A couple of notes on this category: There are a couple of good records in this category and if it were my choice it would be a tossup between Paul McCartney and Kanye West. On a related note I have a message for Kanye West and Bono since they’re both nominated in this category. First, you’re both very talented but that doesn't mean that I want to hear your opinions on everything under the sun. If you’re lips are moving I just want to hear music coming out of them and not your opinions about George W. Bush or how we all need to be giving more money to fight poverty in Africa. Hey Bono – U2 hasn’t made an album worthy of a Grammy since Achtung Baby so how about instead of arranging your next photo shoot with a world leader or Time magazine you go make some decent music and leave the heavy lifting in the world to people that know what they’re doing. Bottom line - Kanye & Bono please shut it immediately, unless of course you’re making beautiful music.

"Song of the Year" nominees:

Bless the Broken Road – Rascal Flatts
Devils & Dust – Bruce Springsteen
Ordinary People – John Legend
Sometimes You Can’t Make it On Your Own – U2
We Belong Together – Mariah Carey

I think the Grammy’s should just think about officially changing its name to “An Evening with U2”. “Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own” is a nice song but I think they’ve already released this song a few times just with a different name. I know the saying goes “If it ain’t broke…” but you really do need to write a new song at some point.

I will say there is one category that I think is an interesting one and that is the "Best Alternative Album" category.

Funeral – The Arcade Fire
Guero – Beck
Plans – Death Cab For Cutie
You Could Have It So Much Better – Franz Ferdinand
Get Behind Me Satan – The White Stripes

What I like about this cagtegory is that I think both the albums and the artists deserve to be nominated. Of course as a Canadian my bias has to be with The Arcade Fire but either way this will be one category that I think will be interesting.

Sunday Funnies Gone Wrong

If you've been watching the news at all lately you may have seen all of the coverage about the backlash over the Muhammed caricatures published by a Danish newspaper. I think this may be this week's sign that the apocalypse is upon us. I think it's important to stand up for your religious beliefs but when did it become commonplace to blow things up when a cartoon offended us? It makes me wonder what really motivates these types of extremists. It seems like they use their religious beliefs all too frequently to defend actions that seem to be fuelled only by anger, rage and intolerance.

I've included a link to some interesting video and to the cartoons in question.

CNN Video


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Technology I Could Live Without

Dear Mr. Bright Idea:

I’m writing to you with regard to your invention - the automatic toilet flush. Let me first say to you congratulations on a great idea. Public restrooms are a cesspool of disease and bacteria and your efforts to reduce my exposure to them is much appreciated. However, I think you may need to go back to the drawing board with this thing. See the main problem with your device is that quite simply, it doesn’t work. Well to be fair I did come across one in the late 80’s that worked okay. Unfortunately since then I’ve found the functioning of your device to be quite inconsistent at best. By inconsistent I mean this thing is like a time bomb. It either goes off before I get to the toilet, while I’m on the toilet, two months later, or (once in a blue moon) when it’s supposed to. Because of this, every time I go into a bathroom stall and see one of these things I’m crippled with fear. In these troubled and uncertain times, the bathroom is the last place I should be feeling this way. You might be wondering why I’m writing to you now after all these years of dissatisfaction with your product. Well, I recently had a rather unfortunate encounter with your device. I will just say that it involved a toilet, my cell phone and your flushing device. The details here aren’t important; but I will say that my cell phone did not make it. What is also important for you to know is that this rather unfortunate series of events could have been prevented if your stupid toilet flush had actually worked when it was supposed to.

So as a concerned consumer I have a few questions for you. First, do you have a quality department where you manufacture these? If not, you should. If you already have one please fire them all immediately because they’re completely incompetent. Also, I’m wondering why these were rushed into production before you actually made sure they worked? What was the rush? This isn’t a cancer vaccine. Take a few extra days and get it right. Lives would not have been lost.

Let me say in closing once again how much I admire you as a visionary. But for the love of God man, fix this thing already before more losses are incurred.

Kind regards,